Insert the username and password and click OK:.With the credentials you received, copy the VPN Network (LAB Network Address) name into An圜onnect and click Connect:.When you have the VPN Client installed and the Setup is ready, click on the Output tab to check your credentials to access your lab, also you will receive them via email.First, you will need to download “Cisco An圜onnect VPN Client”, click on the VPN Access tab to find the instructions and the download link for the VPN Client. You will need a VPN connection via Cisco An圜onnect VPN to access the devices.In the meantime, you can continue with the VPN installation explained in the next step.

At the top right corner, you will see a green button that says “SETUP” and the remaining time for the setup to be completed, once it’s ready you will receive an email. You will see the following screen where the environment will be set up.You cannot extend your reserved time more than a total of 4 hours.

Reserve the time you want to use it – the default time is 2 hours and you can reserve it up to 4 hours.Look for “Cisco Modeling Labs” and click on RESERVE.Log in with your existing account or sign up for free.Following up on our previous article – introducing the Cisco Modelling Lab, we will continue our CML series by showing you, step by step, how to start using it for free!